Twilight Park, a life size stop motion animated feature film about a boy Seraphim who along with Howie Heehaw; a rodeo show clown from Tibet, gets the chance to enter his narcoleptic/dementia ...
Play the Rod Serling-like narrator and more in an employee training video parodying “The Twilight Zone.” Plus, a short film, a psychological thriller, and remote content for a supplement brand ...
James Mangold takes a deceptively straightforward approach to Bob Dylan in A Complete Unknown. The film’s restraint dulls Dylan’s interiority, but turns him into a compelling symbol for those ...
Just in time for Hannukah, Jewish American rapper Your Old Droog has released “Suspects,” the first single from his next album after 2024’s “Movie.” Produced by Edan, the song skillfully ...
It's believed to have been knocked down once filming on the movies was complete. Elsewhere in her ... "And the funny thing about the Twilight house, when it's not being used as their normal ...
"A Complete Unknown" (in theaters Christmas Day ... Sign up to receive USA TODAY's movie and TV recommendations right in your inbox. Dylan actually helped? Impressive, given the singer's fabled ...