Psychological first aid is the idea that interventions that can be done in the wake of a traumatic event to promote resilience and healing. Psychiatrist Robin Gurwitch helped develop the protocol.
Reyes and her children moved into a transitional housing unit designed specifically with their well-being in mind. Thanks to the innovative principles of trauma-informed design and the support of the ...
Yet, many school staff members lack ... and students exposed to trauma are more likely to struggle academically and behaviorally. Schools that implement trauma-informed practices report improved ...
This article outlines what you should know about the consent process, including the difference between informed consent and implied consent, and steps you can take to ensure you're taking an active ...
The UCSF Child and Adolescent Services Multicultural Clinical Training Program ... evidence-based care. The internship program is embedded in the Division of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in ...