"Clodagh," an award-winning short film featuring Irish dance, has made the shortlist for the Live Action Short Film at the 2025 Academy Awards. Starring Katelyn Rose Downey and Bríd Ní Neachtain ...
Grace and Elegance in Thai Dance Traditional Thai dance, such as Ram Thai, combines graceful movements, elaborate costumes, and expressive gestures. Each dance tells a story, often inspired by ...
Traditional Irish music and festive gusto filled the Starry Plough Monday night as lamps bathed the dance floor with a warm yellow light. Amid it all, first-time attendee Julio Martinez tapped his ...
Why not try this Irish mince pie recipe that will keep everybody happy as you sit down to snooze in front of the fire with the post-dinner cup of tea? This a perfect recipe to whip up if you're ...
Six Lancaster County dancers braved cold temperatures and rain to dance at Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade alongside legendary Irish dance troupe Riverdance. Dancers with the Doherty Petri School ...
Socks in the Frying Pan, a critically acclaimed trio from Ennis, County Clare—widely regarded as the heartland of Irish traditional music—has established itself as a dominant force in the ...
With the costumes we’ve purchased and adapted for our dancers, it makes it really beautiful and special.” Casts change for different performances. Campbell will dance the role of a party ...