Launches in top seven cities of India also fell by 7%, from 4.45 lakh units launched in 2023 to 4.12 lakh units in 2024, according to the ANARCOK data Housing sales in the top seven Indian cities ...
Longer withdrawals — Withdrawal of tokens from Layer 2-based blockchains can take up to seven days. As you can see, both blockchain layers play an important role in solving scalability problems.
Nollywood actress Chioma Akpotha has shared insights into her preparation for her role in the newly released Netflix series, Seven Doors. In the series, Akpotha takes on the role of an Igbo queen ...
tangy signature dip Bell Sauce; a jalapeño-infused honey mustard sauce; and a new spicy ranch sauce made in partnership with Hidden Valley. Prices vary depending on the city, with Taco Bell ...
marking a 5.7% increase since 2019. With nearly half of fast-food restaurants now featuring chicken tenders, Taco Bell's foray into the nugget space feels both inevitable and timely. This surge ...
Starting Thursday, Taco Bell will sell chicken nuggets at participating restaurants nationwide. The newest menu item isn't just your regular nugget as they're breaded with a blend of breadcrumbs ...
tangy signature dip Bell Sauce; a jalapeño-infused honey mustard sauce; and a new spicy ranch sauce made in partnership with Hidden Valley. Prices vary depending on the city, with Taco Bell ...