An abnormal form of the tau protein found to accumulate in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients also accumulates in the ...
One area where it is making a difference is in the understanding of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) loss in optic neuropathies like glaucoma. Effective strategies for retinal repair and regeneration ...
amacrine cells and retinal ganglion cells, which transmit the visual information to other parts of the visual system along the optic nerve.
However, the study provides limited new insights into the relationship between retinal lamination defects and overall retinal function. Neural lamination is a common feature of the central nervous ...
The authors examined whether aberrantly-projecting retinal ganglion cell in albino mice innervate a separate population of thalamocortical neurons, as would be predicted for Hebbian learning rules.
SS-OCT can identify retinal thinning patterns that discriminate patients with and without open-angle glaucoma in high myopia.
Traumatic brain injury can result in macular GCC thinning, which can create visual disturbances resulting from vision pathway ...
"When we saw unique changes in NZO's retinal ganglion cells at the molecular level, sure enough, we saw drastic functional changes in those cells." These models will allow researchers to study how ...