Sports car racing has always been about stories — stories of human and mechanical endurance ... while earning passionate devotion to their respective brands because authenticity, relevancy and real ...
The high-octane motor racing sport draws speed enthusiasts and geeks in equal ... But behind the glitz, glamour, and the adrenaline rush is a sport that has engineering at its core. Engineering that ...
But it wasn’t just Cup racing that interested the 39th president ... He could even tell the sports cars by their engine sounds alone. “They used to sell 33-rpm records of the different ...
To this point, the young manufacturer’s approach to building its first-ever sportscar racing program has been entirely sensible. Rather than go down the route of developing an entirely bespoke ...
but a good setup also includes a seat that physically connects you to the wheel and pedals in a driving position familiar to a real car with increased stability for force-feedback. A good racing ...
What is it that drives our passion for motorsports? Is it the raw speed? The symphony of engines and the unmistakable scent of race fuel? Or is it the 60 kilogr ...
Don’t have money — like $50,000 or $100,000 — to blow on a sports car? That doesn’t mean you can’t get behind the wheel of a fun, unique, even exotic sports car. You just have to be ...
The MotorTrend Car Performance section covers a broad variety of topics, everything from on-track car testing to how car parts affect performance to sports car comparison matchups.