Carrots are one of those staples that are always in my crisper. Yes, they are often a last-minute addition to a leafy salad or become the cooked vegetable to accompany a Sunday dinner. Whether ...
A good cook rarely makes a dish the same way twice, said April Bloomfield in A Girl and Her Pig (Ecco). Much of the approach remains the same, but it’s necessary to adjust to the ingredients on ...
Forget gloppy mayonnaise - this German-style potato salad is tangy with shallot and white wine vinegar. Each serving provides 530kcal, 6g protein, 48g carbohydrate (of which 6g sugars), 33g fat ...
There are as many ways of making a potato salad in Germany as there are in the UK, but this is the one that has kept its German identity as it’s travelled west. A good punchy Dijon mustard is ...
The West Street Cafe is open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. Seniors should arrive for lunch at 11:30 a.m. Suggested fee is $3. Call 423-2658 for reservations 48 hours in advance.