Before repotting plants, experts recommend cleaning your plastic or ceramic pots to minimize pests and pathogens. Diseases can get passed on in the soil which can affect your new or repotted plants ...
If you are finding the best potting mixes for your container plants, FoxFarm is the to-go brand. It is not recommended to use manure in containers. Manure takes more than a year to decompose, so it is ...
A great-looking garden is about more than just the plants you grow. The container pots you use also add a lot to the character of your garden. Here are a few container ideas to spark your container ...
Controlled Watering: It’s easier to manage moisture when plants are in containers. Aesthetic Appeal: You can pick containers that match your home decor, adding beauty inside. With many plants suitable ...
Container gardening isn’t just for summer ... You can create a DIY winter herb garden in your home and can be a great way to stay connected to nature in the colder months.
Why garden around your tiny home? Whether you live in a tiny home community or out in the open ... Do you want a pond but don’t have the space? Create a pond in a container. Water plants add color and ...
If you are a vegetable gardener, you likely know how beneficial container gardening can be. Not only are containers great for growing veggies if you are short on space, but container gardening also ...