Cats can make a game out of anything—even if it's something you're using or doing—and they don't much care if they're in the way. This is exactly what Ragdoll ...
Neutering is the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancies, in both cats and dogs. But some owners may be anxious about making this decision on behalf of their pets. They may be concerned about ...
Dogs (and some begrudging cats) may be humans’ best friend, but their behavior still often baffles us. For instance, what makes some dogs insatiably hungry? What does it mean if a cat stiffens ...
Importantly, it's a break-away collar, which are sold for both cats and dogs. Break-away collars are safer than regular collars, animal cruelty prevention groups say, because if a runaway cat's ...
Dogs and cats dream just like humans. They experience nightmares or pleasant memories, and their daily experiences shape the content of their dreams. These beloved household pets share sleep patterns ...