With over 700 million players worldwide, Online multiplayer games have become a cultural phenomenon, entirely changing the way people connect, interact, and build communities. This white paper delves ...
What more could you possibly want from your online multiplayer games? In what is essentially a free-to-play Mad Max: The Game, you customize a unique and wide range of vehicles with dozens of ...
War Thunder is a free-to-play multiplayer game all about military ... Rocket League’s exceptionally moreish online games are even better in local split-screen multiplayer. Everyone in the ...
You might have never heard of Stikbold: A Dodgeball Adventure, but this indie local multiplayer game is full of high-octane action. The premise is simple, you and three other players split into a team ...
Kahyeet! - A desktop multiplayer quiz game inspired by Kahoot, built with Java, featuring a server-client architecture, real-time interactions, and customizable gameplay.