The beloved sock puppet Lamb Chop from American television fame has become a top-selling dog toy. Credit...Tony Cenicola/The New York Times Supported by By Alexandra E. Petri Most toys that cross ...
Batdorf recalled wondering whether Foxie’s tenderness toward Lamb Chop was because they looked similar — both white and fluffy. “Her maternal instincts kicked in,” Batdorf, 35, said.
Dog toys, particularly those resembling cultural icons like Lamb Chop, are increasingly popular. This trend of integrating pets into human social spheres has historical roots, dating back to ...
A company product photo of Lamb Chop, the dog toy that has won over the hearts of millions of dogs and is inspired by the 1960s-era puppet (Credit: Multipet International, Inc.) (NewsNation) — Lamb ...
The acclaimed chef of another Connecticut restaurant said of the winning caterer, “his grasp” of the style of “cooking is ...
(NewsNation) — Lamb chops aren’t just a meaty delicacy in the U.S.; they’re also a dog’s best friend. America’s most popular dog toy this year has been “Lamb Chop,” a small plush ...