Some people take magnesium supplements to make up for deficiencies in their diet. As it turns out, supplementing magnesium ...
From reducing migraines and managing depression to protecting against neurological disorders magnesium is a vital mineral ...
Taking magnesium and L-theanine can also reduce overactive brain signals and increase slow wave activity ... asleep and ...
Struggling to sleep while traveling? This sleep-supporting nutrient can help you relax and get the rest you need.
The New Year can be a great time to kick-start a new fitness routine or to take one already underway to the next level. The ...
Just ½ cup of cooked spinach delivers nearly 20% of the Daily ... can help you wake up feeling refreshed and get the most out of your travel experience. When that’s not possible, taking a ...
Unfortunately, there is no simple way to tell if you are meeting federal guidelines ... researchers concluded that taking magnesium supplements can help reduce symptoms of depression – though ...
The mineral helps boost bone strength, promotes better sleep and improves metabolism. As many as half of Americans don't get ...