China’s first home-grown passenger jet, the C919, is now serving 10 major cities across the country as domestic airlines move swiftly to deploy the new aircraft. The aircraft, seen as a symbol ...
COMAC (the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China) has been making moves to attract airlines based in Indonesia, Cambodia, and Kazakhstan, to place orders for its C919 narrowbody 158-192 seat ...
12月19日,国产大飞机C919再次迎来里程碑时刻,累计承运旅客突破100万人次。当天,从上海虹桥机场飞往西安咸阳机场的东航MU2158航班上,旅客林 ...
IT之家12 月 19 日消息,自 2023 年 5 月 28 日投入商业运营以来,国产大飞机 C919 累计承运旅客突破 100 万人次,累计开通 15 条航线,通航 10 座城市。 在今日从上海虹桥机场飞往西安咸阳机场的东航 MU2158 航班上,旅客林女士幸运地成为了国产大飞机 C919 的第 100 万 ...
The C919's CFM International LEAP engines are built by a joint venture between General Electric and France's Safran. General Electric states, "CFM International’s advanced LEAP product line is the ...
IT之家12 月 3 日消息,据央视新闻报道,今日 10 时 58 分,由中国东航最新引进的第九架 C919 执飞 MU5421“上海虹桥 — 重庆”航班,搭载 159 名旅客顺利飞抵重庆江北国际机场。机场以“水门仪式”迎接国产大飞机在重庆的首个商业航班。 东航作为国产大飞机 C919 ...
记者从中国东方航空公司了解到,12月19日,从上海虹桥机场飞往西安咸阳机场的东航MU2158航班上,产生了国产大飞机C919的第100万名旅客。这意味着 ...
The home-made C919 aircraft has carried more than one million passenger trips since it was put into commercial operation on May 28, 2023, Chinese planemaker the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of ...
Comac C919 operators China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines have begun deploying the aircraft type to more points on their domestic networks. Launch customer China Eastern began ...