But we can examine one rare concrete case where there is some certainty about the cash value — the U.S. publishing ...
"Ask someone in your life under 40 where they get the news. Odds are they'll mention a non-newsroom podcaster or YouTuber." ...
"Once the goal is no longer to recreate news organizations as they existed in the past, but rather to ensure that reliable ...
"Paradoxically, the future might involve a high degree of automation to achieve a more authentically human journalism." ...
"There’s no evidence that moving to a both-sidesy middle will bring in new readers, and plenty of evidence it won’t." ...
"To be clear, many within these organizations have already shown a willingness to hold back in favor of access to political ...
"What's the point of the exercise here? Is it to inform people, or to show off what we know and how sophisticated we sound?" ...
"While perceived authenticity has always been an important piece of evaluating trustworthiness, performed authenticity has ...
"Visual investigations are poised to move from niche desks to standard operating procedure in newsrooms in 2025." ...
"They're choosing compliance with eyes wide open, trading their watchdog role for a seat at the billionaire's table." ...
"We can continue to complain about this new generation of content creators and how those in power use them to amplify their ...
"Some potential donors will be scared of retribution. Some won’t be happy with their investment. Some will just be tired.