Responding to reports from EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service that global sea ice cover reached a record low in February, ...
The maritime industry is evolving rapidly with alternative fuels, new propulsion technologies, and autonomous shipping.
LONDON - The most exciting racing on water will return to the French Riviera, with SailGP confirming today the addition of ...
The G20 Coral Research and Development Accelerator Platform (CORDAP) announces the launch of a new funding program, the Coral ...
The Gothenburg region has been named the best logistics location in the Nordic countries by Swedish industry magazine Dagens ...
“Year-to-date, Canadian crude tanker exports have reached 618 thousand barrels per day (kbpd) up from 388 kbpd during the ...
PEPNSACOLA, FL - 19 winners have been crowned and the inaugural Foiling Week Pensacola has come to a close after seven days ...
“Three years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the volume of dry bulk shipments from the two countries combined is 6% below ...
La logistica portuale sta vivendo una fase di trasformazione significativa, grazie soprattutto a innovazioni tecnologiche e digitali ...
Bruxelles. I combustibili a zero e quasi zero emissioni di gas serra (GHG) come l'ammoniaca, il metanolo e l'idrogeno presentano sfide e pericoli unici per la salute ...
Panama City. L'Autorità Marittima di Panama, che sovrintende alle infrastrutture marittime e portuali del Paese, richiederà ...