In its nearly century-long existence, Caterpillar has overcome several challenges by redefining itself into a global and diverse company that’s laser-focused on helping its customers succeed. Our ...
The most significant engineering innovation attributed to Benjamin Holt, one of our founders, was the invention of the first commercially successful track-type tractor – today’s dozer. This invention ...
We understand big things. Including big ideas. If you’re focused on tackling some of the world’s biggest challenges in infrastructure and resource industries, you’ve come to the right place.
Caterpillar established its first major facility outside the United States more than 60 years ago in the United Kingdom. Today, the company employs over 10,000 people in the U.K. Our U.K. workforce ...
Caterpillar Inc. has a portfolio of brands offering machines, engines, components, services and solutions to meet the unique needs of a variety of industries and customers around the world. The ...
Caterpillar’s continued focus on additive manufacturing, or 3D printing as it’s more commonly referred to, is to bring the additive manufacturing technology from a prototype solution to a main ...
Early on, Holt and Best were competitors. But, together, these innovators led to the success of Caterpillar and track-type tractors of today. In a time when horses powered infrastructure and ...
Our company strategy reflects our legacy and our continuing commitment to meet the needs of our customers and the communities in which we live and work. United by our Values, Caterpillar employees ...