I help to manage Slugger by taking care of the site as well as running our live events. My background is in business, marketing and IT. My politics tend towards middle-of-the-road pragmatism, I am not ...
Ah, Christmas, a time of tradition. Carol services, Slade on the radio, stressed shoppers in M&S and the BBC’s Marie-Louise Connolly standing in a hospital A&E unit expressing grave concern as ...
The Seanad is the upper house of the Irish parliament, serving similar function to the House of Lords in the UK. Mr Murphy will be contesting one of the 43 seats elected from vocational panels, voted ...
Belfast. It was the best of times. The worst of times was just round the corner. Waiting for us like a mugger in a darkened alley. It is surprising to think back to those days, pre – troubles. Such a ...