Epictetus is quoted as saying, in his Discourses, “Whenever a man can be hindered or compelled by another at will, assert with confidence that he is not free. Do not look at his grandfathers and great ...
Richard Floyd explains a notorious example of Wittgenstein’s public thought. Wittgenstein is certainly a special case. He is perhaps the only philosopher who could have produced an argument for which ...
Heather Rivera takes a look through Tim Burton’s movie version from a feminist perspective. I must say to start off with that Tim Burton’s recreation of Lewis Carroll’s classic tale surprised me no ...
Sophia Gottfried meditates on the emptiness of non-existence. In philosophy there is a lot of emphasis on what exists. We call this ontology, which means, the study of being. What is less often ...
Audrey Borowski peers into the infinity inside all organisms, including us. Far from shunning the infinite as his philosophical predecessors Pascal and Descartes had done, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ...
Abdelkader Aoudjit reports on which beleaguered positions are still held After the Science Wars. The widely accepted view according to which the goal of science is to explain how things really are has ...
Stuart Greenstreet finds that free will and determinism really do go together. Samuel Johnson got to the core of philosophy's hardest problem in one line: “All theory is against the freedom of the ...
In the first of our ‘Overview’ series, Mark Daniels describes the latest work on the earliest philosophers. Ancient Philosophy is the name given to early Greek philosophy starting with the inaugural ...
Mary Daly is a world-renowned Radical Feminist philosopher, theologian and author. Professor Daly, what is Radical Feminism? Well, I actually define that in my Wickedary, which is a ‘dictionary for ...
Our philosophical science correspondent Massimo Pigliucci asks. “Before my meeting with [physicist Roger] Penrose, I had taken it for granted that science was open-ended, even infinite… The ...
Albert Shansky believes many of Russell’s opinions on religion are surprisingly in tune with those of the Buddhists. Those familiar with Bertrand Russell (1872- 1970) will know that he had opinions on ...
David Frost considers Nietzsche’s diet and lifestyle tips. Most of us want to do the right thing and make the right decisions. But what is the morally right thing? And what makes it morally right?