在第二次世界大战期间,平民的死亡人数达到了前所未有的数字。尽管许多人丧生于军事行动中,但还是有数以百万计的无辜受害者遭受到蓄意的灭绝。纳粹德国(由阿道夫•希特勒领导)在贯彻其种族主义政策的过程中,迫害并残杀了许多族群。而犹太人则是 ...
Elie Wiesel, the Museum’s founding chairman, was deported to Auschwitz with his family in May 1944. He was selected for ...
For years, they could not speak about the Holocaust. Teenagers Ruth Cohen, Steven Fenves, and Irene Weiss were deported in ...
This three-minute video explains Holocaust denial and the different forms it takes. Transcript Holocaust denial is a form of antisemitism. The only reason to deny the Holocaust is to inculcate and ...
The lessons of the Holocaust are more relevant now than ever. Your contribution will have an immediate and direct impact on educating future generations. Make a donation, give a tribute gift, ...
Croom, Emily Anne. Unpuzzling Your Past: A Basic Guide to Genealogy. White Hall, Va.: Betterway Publishers, 1983. Doane, Gilbert H. and James B. Bell. Searching for ...
The US Holocaust Memorial Museum teaches that the Holocaust was preventable and that by heeding warning signs and taking early action, individuals and governments can save lives. With this knowledge, ...
Because the Holocaust involved people in different roles and situations living in countries across Europe over a period of time—from Nazi Germany in the 1930s to German-occupied Hungary in 1944—one ...
A living memorial to the Holocaust, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity. Federal support ...
Holocaust education requirements vary by state. This list reflects those states that have provided the Museum with a link to their Holocaust education requirements. The Museum offers this list for ...
Behind Every Name a Story consists of essays describing survivors’ experiences during the Holocaust, written by survivors or their families. The essays, accompanying photographs, and other materials, ...