TOMS® and Save the Children have been working together since 2011 to improve health and education outcomes for children in the United States and around the world.
Partnerships between the private sector and INGOs can transform your business and have a positive, social impact. In partnership, we generate breakthrough solutions to drive economic development and ...
A tornado is a narrow, violently rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground. It’s important that children, families and communities understand how to stay safe during a ...
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is one of the worst conflict-affected countries to be a child. Today, the number of people in the DRC facing extreme hunger is among the highest in the world.
In 2020, South Asia witnessed one of the heaviest monsoon seasons in years, with two severe cyclons striking Bangladesh and India within just a few weeks of one another. In the Phillipines, multiple ...
Child trafficking affects every country in the world, including the United States. Children make up 27% of all human trafficking victims worldwide, and two out of every three identified child victims ...
Jordan, officially the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, is a small, semi-arid, almost-landlocked country in Southwest Asia with few natural resources. But strategically situated at the crossroads of what ...
If all you had to go on was social media or the evening news, it would be challenging to be optimistic about what the future looks like for today’s children. Across the country and around the world, ...
Somalia is facing one of the most severe emergencies in the worst global hunger crisis this century. As the Horn of Africa faces its worst drought in 40 years, 1.5 million children in Somalia – or one ...
A girl is not a statistic or a piece of property. She's a child who deserves a future. Girls the world over face gender discrimination – just for being born a daughter and not a son. A girls education ...
As hostilities in Ukraine escalate, children may see and hear things about the crisis in the news, leading to feelings of uncertainty, anxiety and fear, which parents and caregivers need to address, ...
Starting from the very first hour of an infant’s life, breastfeeding can have a significant impact on the baby’s health and development. A mother can receive health benefits as well, several of which ...