連續七年榮獲米其林推薦之餐廳,自2009年開幕以來,憑藉著優異的餐飲水平、細心的服務態度以及典雅精緻的戶外花園,說服許多美食饕客慕名而來,也因此業績連續多年在市場名列前茅,更在2019年於市中心開設分店,成爲唯一設立舘外餐廳之五星級飯店。近年來,N° ...
Queen Bey just took the stage for halftime and immediately caused #BEYONCEBOWL to trend, and Netflix stepped up to stream the ...
交通部觀光局公布魏嘏雋被選為2023年台灣觀光代言人,而男神也已經悄悄來到台灣囉~6月29日即將舉辦見面會的他,在出席記者會前還跑去北海岸玩透透,好想遇到這位「觀光臥底 」啊~ ...
During a press screening of Gavin & Stacey: The Finale on the 18th December 2024, Ruth Jones revealed the ending was ...
美甲成為精緻女孩妝容的一環,除了跟著 節慶 、季節期間限定美甲,專業美甲師公認「一年四季都百搭」,消費者指定率最高的美甲款式就是 「貓眼」 ,其中又以使用細緻磁石粉的「玻璃珠貓眼」最受歡迎。
La prima cosa che succede il giorno in cui è fissato l'incontro di libroterapia a cui dobbiamo partecipare è che non succede.
Looks like Taylor Swift is officially skipping the Chiefs' Christmas Day game. The Grammy winner didn't show up to Travis Kelce's game against the Steelers in Pittsburg on December 25–which actually ...
Here's what you need to know about everything that went down in the 2024 Christmas special, aka Gavin & Stacey: The Finale, which aired on Christmas Day.
Took them a whole season to make it to the actual dunes SMDH.
Fun fact: We’re currently in the midst of a solar maximum (yup, we had to google it too) that’s expected to end in mid-2025, ...
Imprenditrice, influencer e personaggio di spicco nel mondo della moda: la sorella minore di Chiara raccontata attraverso alcuni scatti ...