The commencement ceremony for the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project was held in Jalalabad, Kyrgyzstan, on Friday.
China on Thursday published the results of its fifth national economic census, which showed that the country's economy has ...
China has tripled the amount of time visitors can spend in the country without a visa in yet another move to entice more ...
入境游的爆发式反弹是2024年度北京旅游消费的一大亮点 。同程旅行平台数据显示,2024年成功申遗后,“北京中轴线”的关注度快速上升,已成为北京旅游最大的“IP”。其中,天安门广场、故宫、钟鼓楼、天坛等已成为中外游客“打卡”北京的必游景点。
🌿🐼 Do you know which precious species China has? From giant pandas and golden snub-nosed monkeys to ginkgo trees and Chinese white dolphins. China is one of the most biologically diverse countries i ...
“China Travel” 正当时,免签,旅游,travel,china ...
安捷伦科技有限公司(纽约证交所:A)是分析与临床实验室技术领域的全球领导者,致力于为提升人类生活品质提供敏锐洞察和创新经验。安捷伦的仪器、软件、服务、解决方案和专家能够为客户最具挑战性的难题提供更可靠的答案。2023财年,安捷伦的营业收入为68.3亿 ...
你被中国运动员的拼搏意志震撼了多少次? 你被中国队的团结精神感动了多少次? 你被TEAM CHINA的硬实力惊艳了多少次? 六个关键词 让你重新认识TEAM CHINA 2024巴黎奥运会 中国队拿下40枚金牌、总计91枚奖牌 ...