Saute one chopped onion and two cloves of garlic in olive oil until translucent. Add four cups of vegetable broth, one cup of ...
While this main course is called mdardra in most regions ... Many Lebanese mezze dishes are vegan or vegetarian, from mtabbal ...
Shawarma Joint might not be the first restaurant that comes into mind for vegetarian options, but it is definitely worth a ...
To switch things up on taco night, experiment with cumin! This spice pairs well with chili powder and paprika, creating a ...
However, the Middle East has a variety of dishes that are naturally vegan, and they date back to a time before the rise of veganism. Veganism is a lifestyle that involves avoiding the use of ...
Every fall, Well goes vegetarian for Thanksgiving, taking the meaty bird off the table to make room for a spectacular array of vegetarian soups, sides, main courses, salads and desserts.