First airing in 1959, The Twilight Zone is a horror anthology show created by Rod Serling. A number of the show's episodes have stood the test of time, including 1962's "Eye of the Beholder." ...
There's no denying the fact that Rod Serling was one prolific screenwriter. Out of the 156 episodes produced for the original ...
Some of the best Twilight Zones deserve a bigger story In the episode from Season 2 of The Twilight Zone, two men make a bet that one of them can't keep from talking for one year. There is so much ...
Many 'Twilight Zone' fans are wondering why Rod Serling's iconic sci-fi show got canceled after just five seasons. Here's why.
There aren't a lot of Twilight Episodes you could turn into a comedy, and that makes "Cavender Is Coming" perfect for an ...