The series kicks off with "Twilight," where Bella moves to Forks, Washington, and meets Edward, igniting their complicated romance. The sequel, "New Moon," explores the aftermath of Edward's ...
Edward Cullen is 104 years old at the start of the "Twilight" saga so he has a complex history. Before he met Bella Swan, he rejected another vampire several times and earned two graduate degrees.
Fans all over the world were either "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob." Therefore, the Twilight movies clearly led to many being obsessed with the franchise. However, the series is so much more than ...
Taylor Lautner is weighing in on the contentious “Twilight” debate: Team Jacob or Team Edward? Lautner saw an opportunity and took it, using a new TikTok trend where a hot take is written on ...
Taylor Lautner, known for his role as Jacob Black in the Twilight saga, recently participated in a viral TikTok trend. He reignited the long-standing Team Edward versus Team Jacob debate among fans.