Ghost of Tsushima is a truly striking open-world game, set on the real-life Japanese island of the same name. Developer ...
Procedural generation is a great way to make sure games almost always feel new, no matter how many times you've played them.
2024 was a sad year for the Xbox 360, as Microsoft shuttered the console’s storefront which resulted in a number of games and ...
The best professional Fortnite players in the world, ranked by their achievements and contributions to the game through the years.
The best Pokémon games have captured the magic the franchise is known for and embraced its foundation as a turn-based JRPG.
From exquisite white mountains to freezing icy plains, these are some of the best snow biomes in open-world games.
As soon as you hit level 10, you can switch to any of ... SWTOR is easily one of the best Star Wars games ever. Tolkien’s World of Middle-earth is a perfect setting for an MMO.
The best horror games aren't just a testament to the ... There's a semi-open-world too where you explore and revisit hubs, crisscrossing locations in search of valuable resources, enemies, and ...