Though McDonald's may seem synonymous with the drive-thru, it took a long time and little military inspiration for the ...
What most fast food enthusiasts don't know is that In-N-Out invented the tool that helped create the modern drive-thru. In-N-Out founder Harry Snyder invented the two-way speaker system that is ...
Hangry? Maybe avoid the Chick-fil-A drive-through and try Dunkin’ instead The fast-food drive-through order requires you to wait an average of about 255 seconds in 2019, up about 20 seconds from ...
A driver was arrested early Saturday morning after he was discovered asleep at a fast-food restaurant drive-thru, leading to ...
A 51-year-old man is accused of choking a fast-food employee after becoming upset with his order, police in Utah said. Police ...
LEXINGTON COUNTY, S.C. (WACH) — An 18-year-old has been arrested on multiple charges after a shooting at a local fast-food ...