but it can affect other parts of your eye. To find out if you have uveitis, your doctor will do some tests. First, they'll have you read letters from an chart to test how clearly you can see.
The test is usually done to spot early signs of eye disease, by looking at tissue at the back of the eye - the retina. Now scientists have found people with thinner retinas are more likely to have ...
gene therapy has been developed to target eye disease Going for an eye test with a qualified optometrist will enable them to detect eye diseases and refer you to a specialist if needed.
There are quick tests ... shaped eye, which is the most common case for astigmatism patients. However, it can develop later in life but this is usually the result of an injury, disease or surgical ...
Accelerating basic and clinical research is crucial for genetic eye diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the third biggest cause of vision loss worldwide. AMD is expected to ...
Learn about the anatomy of your eyes and how each part of the eye works in order to create ... But chronic dry eyes could be caused by an ocular surface disease. Your eyes change as you age.
What is it about a person’s vision or eyesight? What do we see? But for most parents with newborn children, their questions are “Can our child see us already” or “What does our baby see?” At the ...
Lyme disease can be diagnosed by the rash alone, new advice for the NHS says. People with the "bull's eye" circular rash do not need a blood test and should be treated immediately to avoid ...