Valve 是 PC 游戏市场上最重要、最具影响力的公司之一。它也是最独特的公司之一,因为它是一家私营公司,而且相对于其影响力和竞争对手而言,员工人数少得异乎寻常。 最近,通过对该公司正在进行的诉讼所揭露的数据进行分析,凸显了 Valve ...
IT之家 12 月 26 日消息,通过 Wolfire Games 于 2021 年对 Valve 提起的反垄断诉讼的相关法庭文件,外界得以一窥这家游戏巨头不为人知的内部运营情况。令人惊讶的是,尽管 Valve 在 PC ...
The good news is you can make your Steam Replay private or friends only by selecting the option right at the top of your ...
I suspected to see some new handheld gaming PCs this year at CES, but it looks like something even more exciting is in store.
Why do I say that? The January 7th event, titled “Lenovo Legion x AMD: The Future of Gaming Handhelds,” will feature a ...
Valve shared its “Best of 2024” data on Dec. 26, highlighting games that performed the best by a variety of metrics. The data ...
1.V社规模小但盈利能力超强 2.曝《龙腾世纪4》销量不足150万 3.《COD21》玩家数骤降 4.NS2实机照流出却被质疑是假的 ...
快科技12月27日消息,2024年即将落幕,Valve公布了Steam平台总收入最高的游戏榜单,《黑神话:悟空》以其卓越的表现成功跻身铂金级第一梯队。这份榜单并没有披露具体的游戏数据,而是将其分为铂金级、黄金级、白银级和青铜级。第一梯队为铂金级,包括 ...
IT之家 12 月 17 日消息,Valve 今天公布了 Steam 平台最新一周销量榜(2024 年 12 月 10 日至 17 日),前段时间刚刚发售的《流放之路 2》顺利登顶全球榜单。 IT之家整理列表如下(排除 Steam Deck 游戏机和免费游戏): ...
The Deadlock holiday event is here, as Valve gives the MOBA's map a festive makeover alongside some secretive new themed hero ...
As the Iris Valve moves closer to real-world use, thousands of families may soon find relief. Their children may have a safer ...