UberEats、foodpanda合併案公平会12月25日决议禁止,主委李镁30日表示,「当延则延,当决则决」,委员共识相当高,都有充分讨论,并投票决议,7位委员中,有6位委员赞成,1位有不同意见但不是全然反对,只希望论述更 ...
(法兰克福28日讯)台湾两大外送平台UberEats与foodpanda合并案喊卡,拖累foodpanda母公司Delivery ...
On December 23, 2024, a video of a woman assaulting a Chipotle worker while forcibly taking food to make her own Burrito bowl ...
A spokesperson at SCI Huntingdon in Pennsylvania said that food deliveries are prohibited, but confirmed he has received lots of mail.
Taiwan has blocked Uber Technologies' $950 million purchase of Delivery Hero's Foodpanda business on the island because of ...
A viral video shows a customer at a DC Chipotle throwing food at an employee; the company has filed a police report.
智通财经APP获悉,有媒体报道称,台湾已拒绝来自美国的网约车与配送服务领军者优步科技 (UBER.US)以9.5亿美元收购线上订餐与配送服务平台Delivery Hero SE旗下Foodpanda台湾业务的计划。据报道,中国台湾的公平交易委员会在周三以反竞争担忧为由,决定反对这项拟议的大型交易。