埃隆·马斯克,这位科技巨头和亿万富翁,最近又吸引了大众的目光,因为他迎来了第14个孩子。消息来源于Neuralink的高管Shivon Zilis,她在社交媒体上正式宣布,二人共同迎来了他们的儿子,名为Seldon Lycurgus。这一消息犹如一颗重磅炸弹,瞬间点燃了网友们的热烈讨论。对于马斯克的家庭生活以及他不断壮大的家庭成员,人们充满了好奇与关注。
Elon Musk and Shivon Zilis have welcomed their fourth child, a baby boy named Seldon Lycurgus. Zilis confirmed the birth in a ...
Shivon宣布:与 Elon 讨论后,考虑到美丽的 Arcadia 的生日,我们觉得最好直接分享我们出色而不可思议的儿子 Seldon Lycurgus。体格健硕,心地善良。我爱他。
Zilis出生于万锦,母亲为旁遮普裔印度人,父亲为白人。Zilis毕业于万锦 华人区知名高中Unionville High School。她随后进入耶鲁大学就读,并于2008年获得经济学和哲学双学位。在大学期间,Zilis还是耶鲁大学冰球队的守门员,并成为校队历史上失球率最低的守门员。
埃隆·马斯克旗下脑机接口公司Neuralink高管希冯·齐里斯(Shivon Zilis)当地时间2月28日发文为儿子1岁生日庆生。齐里斯说,与埃隆讨论后,决定公布他们的儿子Seldon ...
Elon Musk and Shivon Zilis welcoming their fourth child, Seldon Lycurgus, drew attention to Zilis' Punjabi ancestry.
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, recently welcomed his 14th child, Seldon Lycurgus, with Neuralink executive Shivon Zilis. This is ...
Built like a juggernaut, with a solid hear of gold. Love him so much,' Shivon Zilis posted on X, as she revealed the name and ...
Elon Musk welcomes his 14th child, Seldon Lycurgus, with Neuralink executive Shivon Zilis. Shivon announced the birth on X, ...
Sharing the news on X, Shivon Zilis revealed the names of her third and fourth child with Elon Musk. She made the annocument ...
Elon Musk has welcomed his 14th child, a son named Seldon Lycurgus, with Shivon Zilis. Zilis announced the news on X, ...
Shivon Zilis and Elon Musk’s with two of their children. The couple have not yet posted a photograph of their latest addition ...