A federal judge ruled in favor of Merck in litigation accusing it of concealing the risks of Gardasil, a vaccine to prevent ...
A federal judge ruled in Merck & Co.’s favor in a safety lawsuit over its Gardasil vaccine, allowing the drugmaker to ...
Federal judge rules in favor of Merck over Gardasil lawsuits, citing lack of evidence linking the HPV vaccine to serious ...
A federal judge has ruled in favor of Merck in litigation accusing the drugmaker of concealing the risks of Gardasil, a ...
In a decision signed Monday, North Carolina federal judge Kenneth Bell granted Merck’s motion to dismiss the claims of ...
According to Judge Kenneth Bell, there is a lack of evidence to conclude that Merck willingly misrepresented the safety of ...
At its sprawling complex in Durham, N.C., Merck has opened a new $1 billion, 225,000-square-foot manufacturing plant slated ...
近日,北卡罗莱纳州(North Carolina )联邦法院法官Kenneth Bell驳回了200起针对HPV疫苗Gardasil的多区诉讼,裁定默沙东胜诉。 Kenneth Bell认为,没有足够证据证明Gardasil与原告声称的副作用之间存在因果关系。另外其指出,根据联邦法律,默沙东无权在未经FDA批准的情况下在Gardasil标签上添加安全风险警告。
U.S. District Judge Kenneth Bell, who is overseeing the Gardasil multidistrict litigation in the Western District of North Carolina, sided with Merck on its implied preemption defense, granting ...
The drugmaker Merck announced it has opened a $1 billion vaccine manufacturing facility in north Durham, a ...
A federal judge ruled in favor of Merck in litigation accusing it of concealing the risks of Gardasil, a vaccine to prevent ...
U.S. District Judge Kenneth Bell ruled in Merck’s (MRK) favor in a safety lawsuit over the company’s Gardasil vaccine, allowing the pharma ...