七国集团 (G7)外交部长星期五 (3月14日)发表的联合声明增加了有关台湾的措辞,并删除了过去声明中“一个中国”政策的言论,对中国采取了更为强硬的立场。中国称该声明粗暴干涉中国内政,对此强烈不满、坚决反对。
LA MALBAIE, Canada >> G7 foreign ministers took a tough stance on China on Friday, stepping up language on Taiwan and ...
Despite growing internal trade tensions, the G7 has presented a united front in attacking Beijing’s ‘illicit’ and ‘dangerous’ ...
Taiwan would continue to strengthen cooperation with G7 members and allies in maintaining a free and open Indo-Pacific region ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – The draft of a joint communique for the G7 foreign ministers’ meeting in Canada included language ...
G7 members encouraged peaceful resolution of issues across the Taiwan Strait and opposed changing the status quo by force in ...
China lashes out at G7 over statements on maritime security - China has lashed out at accusations it is endangering maritime ...
The G7 foreign ministers took a stronger stance on China, notably omitting references to the one China policy and calls for stable relations in their latest statement. Meeting in Canada, the ministers ...
The statement, an all-encompassing document touching on geopolitical issues from across the world, still needed to get the ...
China has responded harshly to allegations made by the G7, accusing it of endangering maritime safety. The G7 criticized ...
The United States drew closer to its G7 allies on Friday, at least momentarily, to back Ukraine's territorial integrity and ...
Statement by foreign ministers gathered in Canada also highlights importance of ‘maintaining peace and stability’ across Taiwan Strait.